Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 286

This is also known as the day Kindle went to the circus for the first time.

We saw Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, and it was AWESOME!

My favorite parts were the kitties (also known as tigers - Zee, I. Want. One.) and the bendy, gymnast people who show such control over their bodies.

Oh, and I loved the elephants. In Korean, one is called a "KOOK-ee-ree." (At least that's how it sounds to me...)

To summarize my night, I will list my tweets from the evening:

Wish I could go to the circus every day. These people can best Olympic gymnasts any day of the week!
Tigers started mating in the middle of the act. Too funny!
Asians are sexy. Always.
Circus Time! (@ Bridgestone Arena w/ 9 others) [pic]:

I suppose I should explain the Asian tweet... See, there were several Asian gymnasts running around doing cool tricks, and I just have this thing about Asians....

The only other thing to mention is that the crowd was awful. They barely clapped, ooh'ed, aah'ed, gasped - nothing.

We figure it's because the crowd was 75% children, and it was way past their bedtime...

Last, but not least, just a couple pictures...

This was the opening, when people were allowed to mill around the main floor. They had gymnasts jumping through hoops, some clowns acting up, vendors selling clothes and gadgets, and an elephant doing tricks.

A man on a motorcycle, on a tightrope, with a woman hanging off it. Pretty awesome.

Continuing with the motorcycle motif, this little sphere held seven bikers. There were a few heart-stopping moments, and this trick was definitely one of my favorites of the night.

My sister and I next to the trailers outside in the cold. Aren't we pretty? ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are pretty! And it looks like an awesome time. I went once when I was little and it was amazing. Now I definitely need to go again!


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